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aspergers help treatment

Welcome to our Aspergers Symptoms Test website

A genuine warm welcome to you regardless of whether you're an Aspie, a non-diagnosed Aspie or a concerned parent or friend looking for information and help. This website is designed to provide very specific information regarding aspergers symptoms and how they affect people in various ways. However, perhaps even more important than giving concise information is that we offer genuine help to anyone struggling with Aspergers - whether an Aspie themselves or a loved one trying to understand what to do for the best.

The truth is that although appearing 'a little odd' to a typical person (a neuro-typical), someone with Aspergers isn't actually faulty or broken. They merely perceive and process information differently than the majority of people. Whilst this can cause obvious disadvantages in some situations, Aspies can also be hugely advantaged in other ways. Thus what we do is to teach Aspies (or their parents in many instances) how to greatly reduce the emotional intensity of the 'bad stuff' whilst capitalising on the unique benefits that Aspergers can bring.

On this website you'll learn how our research and development of 'emotional software' enables any human (Aspie or neuro-typical) to make the best of what they have by controlling the way they think, perceive and process information. Through self-awareness and a system of tools and techniques, emotional flare-ups (or shutdowns) become far less common and in many cases end up on par with that of an average neuro-typical. The entire process is simple to learn and requires no medication. We will discuss this in more detail on our Aspergers Treatment page

Feel free to browse the information and learn as much as you can. If that is as far as our relationship goes, that is fine and you are more than welcome. If you'd like to learn how to 'manage' Aspergers (either for yourself or to help someone else) in order to reduce the 'bad stuff' and enhance quality of life for all concerned - we'd be pleased to work with you. We are based in the UK and can work face to face with you at our Clinic, via webcam or over the phone. We also work Internationally via webcam and telephone if you speak English but are not resident in the UK.



The Problem With NHS Treatment For Aspergers...

The vast majority of people understandably start a search for help with their GP. Unfortunately a General Practitioner rarely has the specialised knowledge to accurately assess autism or Aspergers... not to mention being restricted by an eight minute consultation. This often means that people can be either misdiagnosed (with anxiety, social anxiety, clinical depression, etc) or are palmed off with medication that may temporarily suppress some Aspergers symptoms but does not address anything long-term.

If you are fortunate enough to have a good GP, you may well be referred to an NHS mental health specialist. There are generally long waiting times for such appointments but as most people assume a successful diagnosis will result in help and treatment - they are prepared to wait. At the appointment the mental health specialist will perform a series of assessments and come to a diagnosis of either - you don't have Aspergers, you have mild Aspergers or you have (full) Aspergers.

If you are diagnosed as not having Aspergers - you wont get any help. This is a shame because some people have definite Aspergers traits but not enough to hit the required score on the formal assessment. In many cases these people are placed on inappropriate medication by GP's and are effectively forgotten about.

If you are formally diagnosed with Aspergers the news isn't much better. NHS treatment for Aspergers is limited to 'evidence based' Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Counselling and medication - none of which seem to be effective on the grounds that most of our clients have already tried the NHS route before coming to us for help.

This isn't about us attacking or judging the NHS. We are just being honest about what our clients tell us. It seems the general consensus is that being asked the same irritating questions over and over and ticking boxes on pieces of paper isn't effective in achieving measurable results. However, we work very differently and our results are both measurable and consistent. Here are a couple of testimonials (after just four sessions with us) from a daughter (Aspie) and her mother (neuro-typical) which reinforces everything we say:

aspergers treatment clinic

"I'm sixteen, and have struggled with anxiety for the better part of all my life. Recently it was particularly bad - even the thought of being in school or my upcoming GCSE exams was enough to send me catatonic with panic. But now, after only four weeks, I've completed six exams in four days (as of time of writing) with not one panic attack or night spent lying awake catastrophising. I'm also struggling less with my crippling perfectionism, meaning that I've stopped beating myself up over every less than perfect test score or exam result.

This stuff really, really, REALLY works. I'm not just saying that. It's completely changed my life." Charlotte.

"I would like to write this to thank you for the work you have done with Charlotte over the last few weeks.

When I first called you to make an appointment, Charlotte was a few weeks away from her GCSE exams and having panic attacks every time she tried to go into school or thought about preparing for exams. She had been through a couple of years of NHS therapies including various anti-anxiety and anti-depressant drugs which she hated, and had been discharged from all NHS counselling as she 'was not sufficiently motivated to help herself', and she just had no faith at all in anyone's ability to help.

She has found the sessions with you to be positive from the first meeting, and the turnaround has been nothing short of amazing ... this week she has eight final GCSE exams and has been able to study, and take herself to school unsupported to complete her exams, and is looking forward to the future,

thank you so much for your help," Leah.

The traditional approach to Aspergers is simply out of date and ineffective. Our use of 'emotional software' not only works without the need for medication (because Aspies are not sick) it is also simple, fast and effective. If you'd like to find out more about how we work, how we can help you or would simply like to have a chat with us about your situation - call us on 01782 855585, 11am to 9pm, seven days a week. If you are an Aspie, don't worry - we're fine with it, just let us know when you call.

If you are calling from outside of the UK our number is 44 1782 855585 - remember to consider the time differences between your country and the UK.

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