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aspergers help treatment

Aspergers Treatment - Get the right help for Aspergers...

Effective Aspergers Treatment can be difficult to find. Many people start by visiting their GP, whom generally has little specialised knowledge about Aspergers as a condition or how to treat it effectively. We hear many stories of misdiagnosis (particularly in females) and the regular inappropriate use of anxiety based medication for 'supposed treatment'. The truth is that Aspies are not sick or broken - they're just wired differently than neuro-typicals and this is what causes them to struggle with certain things. Doping an Aspie with drugs or sending them for counselling is not an effective treatment as neither address the underlying cause behind their problems.

On this page we'll discuss how we work with both Aspies and their families, using a comfortable, structured and effective approach. This will help you to understand what we do and make an educated decision as to whether you'd like to work with us in treating Aspergers. If you'd prefer to speak to us directly, we are happy to answer any questions or address any concerns you may have without obligation. You can contact us on 01782 855585, 11am to 9pm, seven days a week.



Aspergers Treatment - Methods That Don't Work...

aspergers medication


As mentioned in the introductory text, there is no shortage of GP's peddling anti-anxiety (and anti-depressant) medication as a 'treatment' for Aspergers. A GP may argue that Aspies can suffer enhanced levels of anxiety due to their condition and as a result may be more susceptible to bouts of depression. Thus medication is somehow justified as a solution.

However, based upon our experience we would beg to differ. Here is an analogy to help you understand what we mean:

Let's say you work in an office inputting orders onto a computer. One morning you arrive at work to find that the strip light above your desk is flickering. You have too many orders to get through to waste time fixing the light so you switch on your computer and get to work. After an hour you develop a splitting headache and are unable to focus on your computer. The headache is painful and thus you consider it to be a problem. Your solution is to take some aspirin, and within half an hour your headache has subsided and you are able to continue inputting orders onto your computer.

However, a couple of hours later your headache returns. It is painful which means you consider it to be a problem. You take more aspirin and soon after the headache subsides once more. You continue working.

Two hours later the headache is back and you reach for more aspirin. The truth is that there is a distinct pattern developing. No amount of taking aspirin is addressing the headaches long-term... as they keep returning. The reason for this is simple - the headaches are not your real problem. The flickering light is the real problem and the headaches are merely a recurring symptom because of the light. The aspirin only temporarily suppress the symptom (headache) but do nothing to fix the underlying problem (the flickering light). Thus so long as you work under the flickering light - the headaches will continue.

The solution is simple. Fix the light so that it doesn't flicker anymore and the headaches will disappear on their own. There was never actually any long term benefit to be gained from taking aspirin - they were just a temporary symptom suppressant. The same is true for anti-anxiety and anti-depressant medication - both are merely temporary symptom suppressants and neither fix the underlying problem which causes the symptoms to cycle. If you've been fed the oldest, lamest mental health line in the book, "you have a chemical imbalance - take these" your GP doesn't have a clue about your underlying problem and is merely palming you off with medication. The 'chemical imbalance' perspective is pure garbage - don't accept it.

Unfortunately, too many people intuitively look at Aspergers and try to fix the symptoms. The best you can hope for using that approach is to temporarily suppress some symptoms, but so long as the underlying problem remains running in the background - those and more symptoms will continue to persist. When we work with people through our Clinic... we address the underlying problem(s) properly and thoroughly. You can be assured of genuine positive progress that lasts long-term.

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Aspergers Treatment - Methods That Don't Work...

aspergers counselling


The first point we'll make is that Counselling has its place. It is can be helpful for certain problems - but generally speaking it is not particularly helpful for Aspergers or the associated difficulties.

It seems there are two distinct problems that our clients raise with regard to counselling sessions they've had previous to working with us. The first problem is what we call 'raking over the past'. This entails the Counsellor asking the client about events and situations in the past that have bothered them. The problem is that recalling these events causes the client to effectively re-live the experiences and the traumatic emotions associated with those experiences all over again - often multiple times. If a client struggling with anxiety has approached a professional, in our opinion the last thing you would want to put them through is more anxiety. Unfortunately this is precisely what Counselling seems to do.

The second issue commonly reported to us is that even following many sessions of counselling and the repeated re-living of highly charged emotional experiences from the past - there seems to be no 'solution' to putting things right. Counselling is effectively 'talking through problems' with someone rather than them providing a fix or long term solution. This leaves many people, initially assuming Counselling to be a solution, feeling frustrated and let down.

As we work with brain process there is no need for our clients (regardless of their problem) to re-live painful experiences. We work with how people think and thus teach them to 'think smarter' rather than 'raking over the past' and making them feel worse. Who you choose as a provider is entirely your decision but our reasoning is hard to argue with at a rational level.

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Aspergers Treatment At The Anxiety Clinic...

aspergers syndrome stoke on trent

First of all, we work with our clients on an out-patient basis. The technology we use is so effective that there is simply no requirement for residential treatment or long-term care. Thus, you (or your loved one) can either work with us via face to face Consultations at our Clinic in Stoke on Trent, Staffordshire - or we can work remotely using telephone or webcam Consultations, whichever you prefer. So is the popularity and credibility of our Clinic, that we now work with clients worldwide. For more information on your options, our very affordable fees and our no-quibble guarantee - be sure to check out the links at the bottom of this page.

A common question we are asked is - "What methods do you use to get such impressive results?"

The answer is simple. We use precisely what we need to, based upon a clients individual needs. There is no 'one size fits all' system and anyone claiming they have developed a single system that works for everyone should be given a wide berth. In truth humans are individuals and there are just too many variables from one person to another to believe that a single method will work for everyone. Thus, each of our clients is treated purely as an individual and they are given precisely what they need according to their condition, difficulties, emotional state and perhaps most importantly of all - what they want to achieve. Only when we have considered all of these things would we know what approach to take.

We can however generalise that the vast majority of what we do boils down to communication - namely talking. There are no drugs, supplements or diets involved in any of our treatment programs. We may occasionally ask a client to take part in a very simple exercise, which is designed to help them understand a point we wish to make. Other than that it is about the client learning how their current methods of processing information are maintaining and renewing their problems (emotional states). With Aspergers, many of these problems with processing are hard-wired rather than learned, but it is relatively straight-forward to change this with a little effort and cooperation.

If you have already tried getting help before and ended up frustrated or disappointed, it is important to remember that your brain works through 'generalisation'. This means, even though you want the best outcome, you will be inclined to make the generalised assumption that we've tried X and Y so Z must be the same. The reason we raise this point is because so many of our clients made similar assumptions based upon what they had experienced through the NHS, Counsellors or 'therapists'. It is very common for new clients to comment, even during the first session, how our knowledge, understanding of the mind and straightforward methods put us way ahead of both the NHS and other mental health professionals.

Don't just take our word for it though! You can find out for yourself by booking a completely risk free Initial Consultation. If for any reason you're not completely satisfied and we mean completely satisfied with that first session - it wont cost you a single penny!

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Who Gets Involved In Aspergers Treatment

aspergers staffordshire

The good news is that you'll always work with the same Consultant. There will be no swapping, changing, passing you over or excuses such as "your Consultant is on annual leave so you'll be working with Mr Smith instead". This means that you wont need to repeatedly go over ground you have already covered yet again with someone new (an NHS favourite) to bring them up to speed. It's no secret that Aspergers sufferers prefer order and repetition so we absolutely guarantee that you'll stay with the same Consultant right through your treatment.

On occasion we are approached by either a family member, friend or carer of someone suffering from Aspergers. It is possible to teach our skill-sets to a third party such as a parent for use with the actual Aspergers sufferer. Thus if you are reading this on behalf of a loved one that is struggling with Aspergers, but don't feel that person is ready to undertake direct help at the moment - we can work with you as an intermediary. We can do this face to face at our Clinic, via telephone or webcam. If the Aspergers sufferer wishes to join in at any point, we can of course accommodate that.

Generally speaking we will work directly with the Aspergers sufferer, either face to face, by phone or via webcam. In around half of the cases we work with, a parent, guardian, friend or carer will sit in on the sessions - with the consent of the client of course. Often the parent will take a back seat in the treatment program but serves several important roles. First, they provide moral support particularly during the first couple of sessions when the experience is still relatively new for the Aspergers sufferer. Second, they can act as a sort of back-up system in terms of learning the same things as the client and then being there to remind them what they should be doing, particularly if they enter a highly charged emotional state. Even if you are neuro-typical, you will learn a huge amount about yourself and how your mind and emotions work. It really is a win-win situation for everyone involved. The third benefit is that a parent can often see progress and change in a client with far more clarity than the client can see within themselves. This is positive in terms of reward and motivation for ongoing progress.

Essentially we can accommodate the most comfortable Aspergers Treatment program possible. Whether it be in person, via phone or webcam as well as providing the option of including others within the treatment program for support.

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How Long Does Aspergers Treatment Take And What Does It Cost?

aspergers help and advice

The length of the treatment program is always the choice of the client. We will make our recommendations but it is always the client that has the final say.

As a ball-park figure, we would suggest approximately six face to face sessions or eight (shorter) webcam sessions would be enough to create noticeable, measurable positive improvement in several key areas. These will be permanent improvements provided that our methods are adhered to.

There is no ceiling or limit to progress using our technology and techniques. Thus it is a matter for the client to decide they have progressed to the level they initially wanted and no longer require our help. Of course if in the future the client decides they wish to raise the bar and improve certain aspects of their quality of life - they only need to book another Consultation and we can pick up where we left off. We are extremely flexible and are happy to work on a session by session basis.

Our face to face Consultations at the Anxiety Clinic are 90-minutes in length and cost £95.00, whereas our telephone and webcam Consultations are 60-minutes in duration and cost £69.00

Any Initial Consultation comes with our no quibble guarantee. If you're not 100% satisfied with your Consultation and eager to book another... there's no charge. You only pay our fee if you are fully satisfied and wish to continue working with us. You either get the Aspergers Treatment you want or it costs you nothing.

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What To Do Now...

aspergers clinic

We've already discussed that you have nothing to lose by booking an Initial Consultation. We offer appointments 11am to 9pm, seven days a week so we can accommodate even the busiest of schedules.

If you live in the UK and would like further information on booking an Initial Consultation: UK Initial Consultation

If you live outside the UK and would like further information on booking an Initial Consultation: International Initial Consultation

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